Saturday, September 22, 2012

Market day

Just wanted to correct my earlier statement and let you know that the fresh baguettes only cost me 12 cents a piece today! 

We are making friends here in town.  On our way to the store, we saw our gelato clerk on the street and she said hello and asked how we were.  Then at our suprette, the clerk gave us two packs of free gum!  We stopped at a pastry shop to check out the goods and then stopped to get our fresh bread.  I learned how to ask for ground turkey at the butcher today so we are having turkey meatloaf for dinner.  Then our last stop was the fruits/vegetables stand where we bought some grapes, bananas & tomatoes. 

We attempted to say thank you in arabic...that is the only word we know!  Everyone was very  nice and I think they appreciate that we even try!

All the fruits/veggies and the eggs were promptly bleached and rinsed.  The tomatoes were chopped up and made into a fine bruschetta which we enjoyed with a baguette, sliced into garlic toast.  YUMMY! 

We sat outside by our pool today while we waited for our laundry to get done.  We are enjoying the nice weather before rainy season sets in. 

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