Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas in Algiers

The weather has been unseasonably warm and sunny here.  It has been averaging about 75 every day!  It was interesting celebrating Christmas here.  There are obviously no decorations up and no one wishes you a Merry Christmas (or Joyeaux Noel).  We actually did see one of the florists who had some small Christmas trees but they are very expensive. 

We decorated our house with our Christmas stuff.  We had a few people over on Christmas Eve for some cocktails, appetizers and even a little salsa dancing!  We have some Christmas movies and music with us so we have been enjoying those.  We also have AFN (Armed Forces Network) which has been showing some good Christmas shows and movies. 

Christmas morning, Kirk and I ran a 5k Fun Run at the embassy.  We had to wear our best Christmas hat.  I had on my red Santa hat (as did most of the others) but Kirk got very creative.  He won the prize for the best hat.  See photo below!!

That is a 6 point reindeer and the antlers measured 14 inches!  I won't tell you how much hair gel that took!!   LOL  He also was the first male finisher so he won 2 prizes. 

After the 5k run, we came home and opened presents.  We then went to a Christmas Open House at the embassy where some of the local staff brought their children to see Santa and get a gift and some refreshments.  It was a little strange seeing an all Muslim staff with their families showing up to see Santa. I guess the free food and gifts had something to do with that.  They couldn't get enough of the soda and food. 

We missed being with Abbie for Christmas this year.  I can't believe my baby girl is a young adult living on her own! 

We are getting ready to host a New Year's Eve party.  I hope this lovely weather holds out so we can spill out onto the patio if needed.  We have about 25 guests confirmed and another 10-15 who did not respond yet.  We ordered some party goods online to decorate and make it festive.  There are no bars or clubs here or anywhere to celebrate so we have to make our own fun.

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