Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Christmas 2013

We had planned to stay in Algiers for Christmas but as the time grew closer, we were feeling the itch to get out!  We hadn't been out of the country since October and we needed some "normal" life.

We booked a trip to Barcelona to spend the long Christmas weekend and we escaped the land the of "no Christmas"!  We stayed in a great hotel down by the Port.  We spent Christmas Eve walking around, shopping a little (in a store comparable to Macy's), listened to some Christmas carols and ate ham!! 

We even went ice skating at an outdoor rink.  I used to be a great ice skater, even had my own hockey stick.  When you grow up in upstate NY, there isn't much to do in winter but ice skate, sled and ride snowmobiles!  Well, that was 30 years ago and ice skating, apparently, is not like riding a bike!  LOL  I rented these blue plastic molded skates, which hurt my feet even before I got on the ice.  I made it two times around the rink (very slowly and close to the side) before calling it quits!  It was fun and nice to remember how fun it used to be.  Kirk had fun laughing at me and still doesn't believe that once upon a time I was a very good skater! 

All in all, we had a wonderful Christmas, complete with carols, lights and festivities. 

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