Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Update on the intruders

Well, if you have been following the blog, you know that earlier we had unwanted intruders in our backyard and then a burglary in our house.  Since then, the Embassy hired contractors and they built a gigantic wall all the way around the house with anti-climb fencing on top of the wall.  They also installed metal grates on all of our doors and windows and installed slide bolts on all doors and windows.  We feel much safer now but don't see anything but white wall.  No more view of the park, the sky or anything!   My sun time is now limited to a few specific hours in the afternoon when the sun hits a certain angle in the sky.  We now call our building "Supermax" since it is like living in a prison.  But, I am not complaining.....I will deal with the wall and not worry about anymore intruders! 

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