Friday, August 10, 2012

Family time

Friday, August 10, 2012 - What a great day in DC for the Duryea family today!  Abbie arrived last night after 4 hours of delays due to the weather.  It was a long night waiting at the airport.  We spent the day today exploring downtown DC and visiting several of the Smithsonian museums.  This is Abbie's first visit to DC so we are having fun showing her around.  We walked to Georgetown for a wonderful dinner and then topped off the day with a visit to DC Cupcakes and Sprinkles (if you watch the Food Network and all the cupcake shows, you know about these places!).  The cupcakes are fabulous!  We walked along the Potomac and enjoyed the cooler weather today. 
We plan to go back downtown tomorrow to check out all the memorials.  We are thinking of taking a Segway tour...that should be interesting!! LOL 
We took some good photos today but can't find my cable for my camera to download them.  It probably got packed into a box already!
The car was taken to be stored today.  5 days and counting.  Trying to clean out the cupboards and refrigerator in the apartment.  So glad Abbie girl is here to spend some time with us this weekend!!  We are making the most of it.

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