Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Dinner Out

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Another busy day of work!  So many meetings and new things to remember.  Have another day full of meetings tomorrow!  I really like my boss and my office.  Things are off to a good start.

We went out for dinner tonight with 6 others from from the embassy for the Wednesday night dinner club.  The restaurant is called the Grill Room.  It was a wonderful dinner with good conversation. We sat outside on the patio, enjoying a cool evening breeze.  The waiters brought out baskets of bread, plates of olives, and plates of fresh calimari.   Kirk and I both ordered filet mignon (mine was au poivre and his was with mushrooms). We ordered several bottles of white wine to share.  There were several cats roaming around but all in all it was a great evening. We were told that this is one of the nicer restaurants in the city and that it was a bit pricey but after being in DC, it didn't seem bad at all!!  LOL

The restaurant is on the top of a hill and we had a great view of the Mediterranean on the drive up there.  Coming home in the dark, with all the lights in the distance, the city actually looked pretty. 

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