Friday, August 17, 2012

Grocery shopping adventure!

Friday, August 17, 2012

We took our first trip to the grocery store today with our neighbors.  I can honestly tell you that I am very glad we did not bring our car here!!  The NASCAR drivers have nothing on the drivers here.  They drive extremely fast and make their own lanes...stop signs and signals are optional.  The only cars that don't have dents or scratches on them are the ones still on the sales lot!!!

We did ok at the grocery store.  My french came in handy.  We were definitely stared at!  Little kids were tugging on their mothers' sleeves and pointing at us!!  LOL  Bottled water is actually cheaper here than in the states.  Olive oil is affordable but bath towels were $20 apiece!  Needless to say, we did not buy any towels.

The city is definitely not a tourist attraction.  The beach near the grocery store has quite a collection of litter on it.  We are told that the beaches to the west of us are very nice and there are a couple of nice hotels in that area also.

We attended movie night at the Marine House.  We toured the embassy and met some of my new co-workers, including the Ambassador!  We had a beverage and then watched The Avengers.  It was a nice evening. 

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